Nuestros Servicios

Ofrecemos soluciones de calidad para reparaciones y reformas en Barcelona y alrededores. ¡Contáctanos!


Instalación y sustitución de tuberías: Realizamos la instalación de redes de agua potable y desagüe en viviendas, comunidades y negocios. Utilizamos materiales como cobre, PVC y multicapa según las necesidades del proyecto.
Reparación de fugas y averías: Localizamos y solucionamos fugas en tuberías, grifos y cisternas con técnicas modernas que minimizan la necesidad de obra.
Instalación de sanitarios y grifería: Montamos inodoros, bidés, lavabos, platos de ducha, bañeras, fregaderos y sistemas de grifería, asegurando su correcto funcionamiento y acabado estético.
Cambio e instalación de calderas y termos: Sustituimos e instalamos sistemas de calentamiento de agua, incluyendo calderas de gas, termos eléctricos y calentadores de paso, siempre cumpliendo con las normativas de seguridad.
Mantenimiento de sistemas de fontanería: Realizamos limpiezas de tuberías, revisión de presiones y optimización de instalaciones para evitar futuras averías.

A partially renovated room with large windows overlooking a garden. The room is mostly empty, with some construction materials like boards and plastic wrapped furniture on the right side. There are cables hanging from the ceiling and a small workbench with tools near the window on the right.
A partially renovated room with large windows overlooking a garden. The room is mostly empty, with some construction materials like boards and plastic wrapped furniture on the right side. There are cables hanging from the ceiling and a small workbench with tools near the window on the right.

Instalación y renovación de cuadros eléctricos: Sustituimos cuadros eléctricos antiguos por modelos modernos con protecciones adecuadas contra sobrecargas y cortocircuitos.
Cableado y conexiones eléctricas: Diseñamos y renovamos el cableado interno de viviendas y locales, asegurando una distribución óptima de la electricidad y evitando problemas como pérdidas de energía o sobrecargas.
Iluminación LED y decorativa: Instalamos sistemas de iluminación LED para interiores y exteriores, reduciendo el consumo energético y mejorando la estética del espacio. También trabajamos con tiras LED y focos empotrados .
Instalación de enchufes, interruptores y domótica: Colocamos y renovamos enchufes, interruptores y reguladores de luz, además de integrar sistemas de domótica para controlar iluminación, climatización y seguridad desde tu móvil.
Revisión y reparación de cortocircuitos y averías: Diagnosticamos y solucionamos problemas eléctricos, evitando riesgos de incendios o fallos en los dispositivos conectados.

Pintura en interiores y exteriores: Aplicamos pintura plástica, acrílica o al temple en paredes, techos y fachadas, protegiendo las superficies y embelleciendo los espacios.
Alisado de paredes y eliminación de gotelé: Si deseas paredes lisas y modernas, eliminamos el gotelé y alisamos la superficie con técnicas de enlucido y lijado.
Colocación de papel pintado y revestimientos decorativos: Instalamos papeles pintados, vinilos decorativos y paneles de madera o piedra para darle un toque exclusivo a tu hogar o negocio.
Impermeabilización de fachadas y techos: Aplicamos tratamientos hidrófugos y pinturas impermeabilizantes para proteger las superficies exteriores de la humedad y las filtraciones.

Transformamos tus espacios con acabados impecables, dándole un nuevo aire a tu hogar.
An indoor space under renovation, featuring a bar counter with various construction materials and tools scattered around. The walls are decorated with floral wallpaper. Multiple pendant lights hang from the ceiling, casting a warm glow. A ladder and several cardboard boxes are visible in the background.
An indoor space under renovation, featuring a bar counter with various construction materials and tools scattered around. The walls are decorated with floral wallpaper. Multiple pendant lights hang from the ceiling, casting a warm glow. A ladder and several cardboard boxes are visible in the background.
A partially renovated room with freshly laid concrete flooring. The room has bare plastered walls and two exposed pipes for plumbing. A window at the far end allows natural light in, partially illuminating the room. There is building material placed in the corner.
A partially renovated room with freshly laid concrete flooring. The room has bare plastered walls and two exposed pipes for plumbing. A window at the far end allows natural light in, partially illuminating the room. There is building material placed in the corner.

Proyectos recientes

Explora nuestros proyectos de reformas y reparaciones en Barcelona.

A large building with classic architectural features, including arched window frames and ornate detailing, is under renovation. Scaffolding is erected along the side, reaching up to the roof. The building has a muted, aged facade with multiple windows, some of which are open.
A large building with classic architectural features, including arched window frames and ornate detailing, is under renovation. Scaffolding is erected along the side, reaching up to the roof. The building has a muted, aged facade with multiple windows, some of which are open.
Reformas integrales

Transformamos espacios según tus necesidades, garantizando calidad y satisfacción.

A dimly lit room under renovation, featuring unfinished plaster walls and a large central window with sheer curtains. A refrigerator stands in front of the window, surrounded by various items, including shelving and stacked boxes. Exposed plaster and red paint remnants are visible around the windows.
A dimly lit room under renovation, featuring unfinished plaster walls and a large central window with sheer curtains. A refrigerator stands in front of the window, surrounded by various items, including shelving and stacked boxes. Exposed plaster and red paint remnants are visible around the windows.
Servicios eléctricos

Instalaciones seguras y reparaciones eléctricas que aseguran tu tranquilidad.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Excelente servicio, rápidos y confiables. Recomiendo DQN para cualquier tipo de reparación en casa.

Claudia Montsant

The image depicts an unfinished interior space with exposed brick walls and a concrete floor. Construction materials such as wooden boards, buckets, and other building supplies are scattered around the room. There is a partially opened doorway leading to another room, highlighting the ongoing renovation process.
The image depicts an unfinished interior space with exposed brick walls and a concrete floor. Construction materials such as wooden boards, buckets, and other building supplies are scattered around the room. There is a partially opened doorway leading to another room, highlighting the ongoing renovation process.

Estoy muy satisfecho con las reformas. El equipo de DQN es profesional y extremadamente eficiente.

Raul Marañon

People are working on the interior renovation of a room that appears to be under construction. A worker on a scaffold is painting the ceiling, while others are seated or discussing the progress. The room has smooth, gray walls with arched recesses and a modern design vibe. There are tools and materials scattered around, including a ladder, paint cans, and some rocks or construction debris on the floor. Overhead, stylish pendant lights provide illumination as natural light streams in from windows.
People are working on the interior renovation of a room that appears to be under construction. A worker on a scaffold is painting the ceiling, while others are seated or discussing the progress. The room has smooth, gray walls with arched recesses and a modern design vibe. There are tools and materials scattered around, including a ladder, paint cans, and some rocks or construction debris on the floor. Overhead, stylish pendant lights provide illumination as natural light streams in from windows.