black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Soluciones rápidas y económicas para ti

Reparaciones y reformas de calidad en Barcelona y alrededores.


Reparamos fugas y hacemos instalaciones seguras.

Instalaciones eléctricas y mantenimiento general garantizados.

Pintura de espacios con acabados impecables.

Reformas integrales

Bienvenidos a SIVYDQN Reparaciones

En SIVYDQN, ofrecemos soluciones rápidas y económicas para reparaciones y reformas en Barcelona. Nuestro compromiso es brindarte calidad y eficiencia en cada servicio que ofrecemos.

A room under renovation with construction materials scattered on the floor. There's a large window letting in sunlight and providing a view of a lush garden outside. Various tools and boxes are on a workbench, and insulation material is piled on the left.
A room under renovation with construction materials scattered on the floor. There's a large window letting in sunlight and providing a view of a lush garden outside. Various tools and boxes are on a workbench, and insulation material is piled on the left.
Tu hogar en buenas manos
Calidad y confianza siempre

Contamos con expertos en fontanería, electricidad, pintura y reformas integrales. Estamos aquí para ayudarte a transformar y mejorar tu hogar según tus necesidades específicas.

Servicios de Calidad

Ofrecemos soluciones rápidas y económicas para reparaciones y reformas en tu hogar.

A room under renovation with unfinished walls and windows. A person is working on the floor, surrounded by construction materials including paint buckets, wooden planks, and plastic sheets. Sunlight streams in through the large windows, casting shadows on the partially plastered walls.
A room under renovation with unfinished walls and windows. A person is working on the floor, surrounded by construction materials including paint buckets, wooden planks, and plastic sheets. Sunlight streams in through the large windows, casting shadows on the partially plastered walls.
Fontanería Profesional

Nuestro servicio de fontanería abarca tanto instalaciones nuevas como reparaciones y mantenimiento de sistemas de agua y calefacción. Trabajamos con materiales de primera calidad para asegurar durabilidad y eficiencia.

Instalación y sustitución de tuberías: Realizamos la instalación de redes de agua potable y desagüe en viviendas, comunidades y negocios. Utilizamos materiales como cobre, PVC y multicapa según las necesidades del proyecto.
Reparación de fugas y averías: Localizamos y solucionamos fugas en tuberías, grifos y cisternas con técnicas modernas que minimizan la necesidad de obra.
Instalación de sanitarios y grifería: Montamos inodoros, bidés, lavabos, platos de ducha, bañeras, fregaderos y sistemas de grifería, asegurando su correcto funcionamiento y acabado estético.
Cambio e instalación de calderas y termos: Sustituimos e instalamos sistemas de calentamiento de agua, incluyendo calderas de gas, termos eléctricos y calentadores de paso, siempre cumpliendo con las normativas de seguridad.
Mantenimiento de sistemas de fontanería: Realizamos limpiezas de tuberías, revisión de presiones y optimización de instalaciones para evitar futuras averías.

Electricidad Segura

Instalaciones eléctricas seguras y mantenimiento general para tu tranquilidad.

Instalación y renovación de cuadros eléctricos: Sustituimos cuadros eléctricos antiguos por modelos modernos con protecciones adecuadas contra sobrecargas y cortocircuitos.

Cableado y conexiones eléctricas: Diseñamos y renovamos el cableado interno de viviendas y locales, asegurando una distribución óptima de la electricidad y evitando problemas como pérdidas de energía o sobrecargas.

Iluminación LED y decorativa: Instalamos sistemas de iluminación LED para interiores y exteriores, reduciendo el consumo energético y mejorando la estética del espacio. También trabajamos con tiras LED y focos empotrados .

Instalación de enchufes, interruptores y domótica: Colocamos y renovamos enchufes, interruptores y reguladores de luz, además de integrar sistemas de domótica para controlar iluminación, climatización y seguridad desde tu móvil.

Revisión y reparación de cortocircuitos y averías: Diagnosticamos y solucionamos problemas eléctricos, evitando riesgos de incendios o fallos en los dispositivos conectados.

Pintura y Acabados

Ofrecemos un servicio de pintura profesional para transformar espacios con acabados duraderos y estéticamente impecables.

Pintura en interiores y exteriores: Aplicamos pintura plástica, acrílica o al temple en paredes, techos y fachadas, protegiendo las superficies y embelleciendo los espacios.

Alisado de paredes y eliminación de gotelé: Si deseas paredes lisas y modernas, eliminamos el gotelé y alisamos la superficie con técnicas de enlucido y lijado.

Colocación de papel pintado y revestimientos decorativos: Instalamos papeles pintados, vinilos decorativos y paneles de madera o piedra para darle un toque exclusivo a tu hogar o negocio.

Impermeabilización de fachadas y techos: Aplicamos tratamientos hidrófugos y pinturas impermeabilizantes para proteger las superficies exteriores de la humedad y las filtraciones.

Excelente servicio, rápidos y muy profesionales. ¡Recomiendo SIVYDQN para cualquier reparación en casa!

Juan Pérez

A room under renovation with various construction tools and materials scattered around. There are ladders, paint cans, boards, and loose wires on the floor. Furniture is covered with protective sheets. The walls are partially unfinished, and there is a suspended ceiling. A light source from a window at the back illuminates the room.
A room under renovation with various construction tools and materials scattered around. There are ladders, paint cans, boards, and loose wires on the floor. Furniture is covered with protective sheets. The walls are partially unfinished, and there is a suspended ceiling. A light source from a window at the back illuminates the room.
A partially renovated room with a brick wall and an unfinished ceiling. A window allows natural light to enter, and various construction materials are scattered around. A circular saw is placed on a workbench surrounded by planks and boards.
A partially renovated room with a brick wall and an unfinished ceiling. A window allows natural light to enter, and various construction materials are scattered around. A circular saw is placed on a workbench surrounded by planks and boards.


Galería de Proyectos

Descubre nuestros trabajos de reparaciones y reformas en Barcelona.

A partially renovated room with bare, unfinished walls showing visible patches of brickwork and mortar. There are exposed pipes and cables on the floor, and a small shovel and a broom leaning against the wall. A large window lets in natural light from outside, showing a view of residential buildings.
A partially renovated room with bare, unfinished walls showing visible patches of brickwork and mortar. There are exposed pipes and cables on the floor, and a small shovel and a broom leaning against the wall. A large window lets in natural light from outside, showing a view of residential buildings.
A room under renovation with exposed wooden beams and insulation on the ceiling, a bare brick wall, and various construction materials scattered around. There is a metal ladder leaning against the wall, a stack of drywall sheets, and bags of cement on the floor. The back of the room is illuminated by a large window covered with white curtains, with a red brick wall to the right.
A room under renovation with exposed wooden beams and insulation on the ceiling, a bare brick wall, and various construction materials scattered around. There is a metal ladder leaning against the wall, a stack of drywall sheets, and bags of cement on the floor. The back of the room is illuminated by a large window covered with white curtains, with a red brick wall to the right.
A room under renovation with exposed brick walls and bare plaster surfaces. A ladder lies on the floor, and various construction materials like wooden boards, insulation, and bags of plaster are scattered around. A chair and some tools are placed near the wall, and there's a large window allowing natural light into the space.
A room under renovation with exposed brick walls and bare plaster surfaces. A ladder lies on the floor, and various construction materials like wooden boards, insulation, and bags of plaster are scattered around. A chair and some tools are placed near the wall, and there's a large window allowing natural light into the space.
An interior space appears to be under renovation, featuring a large, decorative marble wall with an intricate pattern. Scaffolding, tools, and materials are scattered throughout the room, including a cart, power tools, and a table. The room is lit by natural light coming through large windows, adding to the sense of openness.
An interior space appears to be under renovation, featuring a large, decorative marble wall with an intricate pattern. Scaffolding, tools, and materials are scattered throughout the room, including a cart, power tools, and a table. The room is lit by natural light coming through large windows, adding to the sense of openness.